Our Top Choices For Low Maintenance Plants
It used to be thought that to have low-maintenance plants, you needed to purchase plastic plants. However, this is not the case- you...
Why Most People Choose Plants Over Flowers For Their Office
When choosing to decorate an office, many people come to an impasse: floral bouquets or plants? While many people opt for a few bouquets...
Pet Safe Office Plants
When purchasing plants for the office, many don’t consider what plants may be pet safe. Typically, this is due to the assumption that...
Reasons to Hire Horticultural Technicians
Horticultural techs are the proper name for what most call “plant people.” Horticulture is the art of managing plants- so a horticulture...
Best Office Plants for Productivity
It's no secret that certain items and environments boost productivity. When adding items to an office, most people consider lights,...