Category: Plants

Which Package is Right for You?

You may be used to buying a few tiny plants for your reception area, and unfortunately having them wilt or be long forgotten about. Or, you may want the look of lush plants, but are overwhelmed with beginning your journey. Either way, it can leave you wanting more out of your space, but unsure on… Read more »

Why Plants Make Us Feel Good

While the beauty that plants provide can make us feel good, there is data that suggests there are several other reasons why plants make us so happy. Plants have been proven to aid in relaxation, allow us to block out the outside world, freshen up the air around us by removing harmful toxins and more…. Read more »

Different Needs of Plants

While plants get their basic needs met in different ways based on their environment, there are certain things they each require to thrive and survive. Whether it be proper sunlight and nutrients to grow, water to remain strong and healthy or more, it is essential to consistently meet the needs of your plants. No matter… Read more »

Plants and COVID Distancing

Over the last year and a half, the lives of nearly everyone across the globe have been affected because of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you own or operate a business, things are even further complicated as you want to do everything in your power to protect your customers and employees against the virus. Luckily, there… Read more »