Tag: Office Plants

Creative Ways to Bring the Outside Into Your Office

A beautiful specialized indoor plant arrangement

Over the course of the last few years, the importance of indoor plants has become clearer than ever. While COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of plants’ many health benefits, offices are also starting to see the positive impact bringing elements of nature into their spaces has on the emotional well-being of their employees. When working… Read more »

Which Package is Right for You?

You may be used to buying a few tiny plants for your reception area, and unfortunately having them wilt or be long forgotten about. Or, you may want the look of lush plants, but are overwhelmed with beginning your journey. Either way, it can leave you wanting more out of your space, but unsure on… Read more »

Why Plants Make Us Feel Good

While the beauty that plants provide can make us feel good, there is data that suggests there are several other reasons why plants make us so happy. Plants have been proven to aid in relaxation, allow us to block out the outside world, freshen up the air around us by removing harmful toxins and more…. Read more »